2017年2月18日 星期六

大峽谷鐵道 Grand Conyon Railway VINTAGE PULLMAN CARS

這些車廂由Pullman在1923年製造,主要服務於San Jose到San Francisco之間的通勤,在1984年退役並停放在Oakland California yards。存放期間開始被蓄意者破壞,窗戶打破、椅子被撕開、配件受損等。然而有些不是蓄意者,而是環境。在舊金山灣區帶鹽份的空氣讓金屬慢慢地生鏽,使得最後修復工作更加困難必須一一更換受損及生鏽的地方來復原至原狀。這些車長為80呎,每輛可以坐88位乘客。目前大峽谷鐵道 Grand Conyon Railway共有13輛Pullman車,原來加熱是用蒸氣,後來也改成電加熱來有效運作及方便維修。
Built by The Pullman Palace Car Company in 1923. These cars served their entire career on the San Jose to San Francisco commuter run, before being retired to the Oakland California yards in 1984. While in Storage, the cars became the target of vandals. Windows were broken, seats torn out and fixtures destroyed. What the vandals didn’t destroy, the environment did. Salt air from the San Francisco Bay slowly rusted all metal it contacted. As a result, these coaches required a complete rebuilding. Electricians, carpenters, welders, upholsterers and car men worked long hard hours to restore them back to their original state. These cars are 80 feet long and carry 88 Passengers. GCR currently has 13 of these Pullman coaches in service. Although originally heated by steam, Grand Canyon Railway has modified these cars for electric heating, which is more efficient and easier to maintain.





