2017年2月18日 星期六

大峽谷鐵道 Grand Conyon Railway LUXURY PARLOR CARS

目前大峽谷鐵道 Grand Conyon Railway共有三輛LUXURY PARLOR CARS,分別為Santa Fe、Max Biegert、Chief。

Chief是建造於1947年並運用往來於紐約及邁阿密之間的大西洋海岸線,直到1980年代退役並保存。然後有一位私人收藏家購買移置到San Antonio,並花了美金25萬元重新整修,在1989年至1991年之間服務於德州南方晚餐列車。接下來從1991年至1993年得到特許在墨西哥作為晚餐車使用。經過長時間法律訴訟後,這輛車終於在1994年回到美墨邊境並由Union Pacific運送回San Antonio,但這輛車也在該年失去了在新奧爾良的運行路線及資金,因為這輛車在運送回San Antonio途中因為後部碰撞而受損,車輛擁有者只好放入倉庫直到1999年賣出。下一個買家花了美金9萬5千元將後部碰撞受損位置改成觀景台,但也決定賣出將成本回收。最後大峽谷鐵道 Grand Conyon Railway在2002年買下,並在當年十月份開始服務並命名為Chief。這輛車車長76呎,共乘坐37人,特色為開放式觀景台。
The Chief was built in 1947 for use on the Atlantic Coast, in service between New York and Miami. It was retired in the early 1980s and sat in storage until it was purchased by a private investor where it was moved to San Antonio and after being refurbished for $250,000, was put into service for the Texas Southern Dinner Train from 1989-1991. After 1991, it served as a dinner car for charter in Mexico until 1993 when it was seized by the Mexican government. After a protracted legal battle the car was returned in 1994 to the US-Mexico border where it was picked up by the Union Pacific for delivery to San Antonio, but the car was lost en route and found later that year in New Orleans. The car was subsequently damaged in a rear end collision on its return to San Antonio and the owner put it into storage before selling it in 1999. The next owner added the observation platform at a cost of $95,000 to cover up the damage caused in the collision, but decided to sell the car prior to completing the restoration. GCR acquired the car in 2002 and put it into service in October of that year as the Chief. It is 76 feet long, carries 37 passengers, and features an open air rear platform.

255 CHIEF CAR,2017/02/18拍攝於大峽谷村

WILLIAMS FLYER,2017/02/18拍攝於大峽谷村

